Camie Tech LTD

Building AI For SaaS Apps

Transform Your Business with AI-Powered Apps

Partner with us to create bespoke AI SaaS solutions that transform your business and fuel your growth.

Recent AI projects


Plato AI

Plato AI is an innovative educational platform designed to deliver personalized learning experiences through AI agents. Built for a client seeking an AI-driven course instructor, the system breaks down video content into structured modules, chapters, and ‘nuts’ (bite-sized pieces), which are then stored in a Supabase database. The AI agent interacts with users, teaching each ‘nut’ sequentially and answering questions, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging educational journey. Try it out for yourself!


AI Chat Agent, UI/Frontend


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Hostly AI

AI Automation for Short-Term Rental Businesses

Overview: This project leverages AI tools to automate and optimize operations for short-term rental businesses, significantly saving time while boosting productivity, efficiency, and profit margins. By implementing AI-driven systems, tasks such as guest communication, booking management, pricing optimization, and maintenance scheduling are streamlined, allowing property managers to focus on growth and service excellence. The goal is to reduce operational complexities, minimize manual efforts, and enhance the overall guest experience.

Deployment Platform: The AI tools are integrated across multiple platforms, including property management software, communication apps, and dynamic pricing systems, ensuring seamless and efficient operations tailored to the needs of short-term rental businesses.


AI Development, App Developmemt


Hostly Reply

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Hostly Reply


Jake AI - AI to create fitness challenges

Project Description:

Jake AI for Fitness Challenge CreationOverview:Jake AI is a specialized AI assistant designed to streamline the creation of AI-enabled fitness challenges. Utilizing our proprietary Challenge Engine and hosted on Sidyum’s Azure Servers, Jake AI operates through a chat interface within the Bubble App. This project aims to assist fitness professionals in creating engaging fitness challenges effortlessly, enhancing their ability to offer structured, attractive, and personalized fitness programs to their clients.

Deployment Platform:

  • Chat Interface: A custom chat interface built in a SaaS app built inside of


Backend development, AI development, database design


Sidyum inc

Sidyum inc


Kali AI - Lead Generation On WhatsApp

Kali AI for WhatsApp Pre-Sales Automation

Overview: Kali AI is an advanced AI agent designed to streamline pre-sales activities for Sidyum. Operating through WhatsApp, Kali AI engages with prospects, qualifies leads, and persuades them to book meetings for a full product demo. By automating the pre-sales process, Kali AI enhances lead conversion rates and reduces the manual workload for sales teams. Its primary objective is to drive interest and commitment from qualified prospects by leveraging intelligent conversational flows.

Deployment Platform:

WhatsApp Interface: Kali AI functions through a fully integrated WhatsApp chat interface, delivering seamless conversations with potential clients, utilizing Sidyum's backend infrastructure to manage and analyze interactions.


WhatsApp AI Agent


Sidyum Inc

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Sidyum Inc


Luna AI - Voice AI Receptionist

Luna AI: Voice AI Receptionist for Fitness Professionals

Luna AI is a powerful voice AI agent designed to serve as a virtual receptionist for fitness professionals. Trained on the fitness pro's specific data, Luna AI seamlessly manages client interactions, answering inquiries, providing personalized responses, and handling common tasks like scheduling and rescheduling appointments. If Luna AI is unable to resolve a client’s issue or answer specific queries, it automatically books an appointment with the fitness professional, ensuring that clients' needs are met promptly and efficiently.

Luna AI enhances the client experience by reducing wait times, ensuring that fitness professionals remain focused on delivering value to their clients, and automating routine administrative tasks. Its capabilities allow fitness pros to offer a streamlined, personalized service while maintaining full control over their schedule and client communications.

Deployment Platform:
Luna AI is integrated directly into the fitness professional’s existing communication systems, utilizing voice and SMS channels to interact with clients. Whether responding to voice calls or handling SMS queries, Luna AI dynamically manages conversations, booking appointments and keeping the fitness pro updated on any unresolved issues. The system is customizable to fit the unique workflows of fitness professionals, ensuring smooth operations and optimal customer service.


Voice AI Agent





Sidy AI - Follow Up Facebook Leads w/ AI

Sidy AI for Pre-Sales and Appointment Booking

Overview: Sidy AI is a voice AI agent developed to handle pre-sales activities for Sidyum, converting Facebook leads into booked appointments. By engaging leads through automated voice calls, Sidy AI nurtures prospects, answers questions, qualifies their interest, and encourages them to schedule a meeting for a full demo. This AI-driven system helps Sidyum streamline its sales funnel, increasing lead conversion rates while minimizing manual intervention from the sales team.

Deployment Platform: Sidy AI operates through an advanced voice calling system, integrated with Sidyum's CRM (Go High Level) and Facebook lead ads, allowing for seamless management of lead interactions and appointments.


Voice AI Agent, Facebook Integration, CRM Integraton


Sidyum Inc

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Sidyum Inc


Chad AI - AI for emergency response

Voice AI for Automated Roadside Assistance Dispatch

Overview: This project leverages a Voice AI system to automate the process of dispatching service providers (SPs) for roadside assistance. When a breakdown ticket is created, Voice AI initiates calls to nearby service providers, offering them the job and managing the entire communication flow. The AI can handle multiple service providers, confirm dispatches, and send key information to both drivers and the 24HR roadside response team. By automating SP calls and job offers, the project enhances response times, reduces manual work, and improves the efficiency of the roadside assistance workflow.

Deployment Platform: The Voice AI integrates with the internal dispatch system, using automated calls and SMS to interact with service providers and drivers. It searches for SPs, offers jobs, confirms dispatches, and alerts the necessary parties through voice and SMS communication.


Voice AI Design, Workflow Automation, SMS Automation & many more


24Hr Truck Services

24Hr Truck Services

What others have to say

  • "Working alongside Catora was a fantastic experience. They fulfilled all my expectations flawlessly, and the final results were beyond excellent."

    John Adams

    Marketing Director @ XYZ

  • “Loved working with Catora. They did everything exactly how I wished for and the results couldn’t’ve been better.

    Alex James

    Marketing Director @ ABC

  • "Catora was a pleasure to work with. They followed my instructions to the letter, and the end results were absolutely outstanding."

    Jane Doe

    Marketing Director @ XYZ

  • "Working alongside Catora was a fantastic experience. They fulfilled all my expectations flawlessly, and the final results were beyond excellent."

    John Adams

    Marketing Director @ XYZ

  • “Loved working with Catora. They did everything exactly how I wished for and the results couldn’t’ve been better.

    Alex James

    Marketing Director @ ABC

  • "Catora was a pleasure to work with. They followed my instructions to the letter, and the end results were absolutely outstanding."

    Jane Doe

    Marketing Director @ XYZ


Camie -- Transforming business operations and customer experiences with tailored AI applications.

Founded in 2021 by Daniel Lordson, Camie Tech is dedicated to solving real-world problems using AI.

Our mission is to revolutionize business operations and enhance customer experiences with tailored AI SaaS solutions.

We have successfully brought AI innovations to the fitness, hospitality, and auto repair industries.

Leveraging advanced technologies such as Flutter, Node.js, FlutterFlow, Buildship, OpenAI, and more, we deliver scalable, custom applications that drive growth and efficiency.

Have an AI application in mind? Get on a consultation call today.

Tech Stack


Frontend Logic

10 Projects

Flutter (Pure)


10 Projects

Python for ai


2 projects



12 projects



32 Projects



32 Projects

Frontend, Backend

2 projects


Here, we showcase the technologies and programming languages that power our expertise. From AI development to custom voice solutions, each skill is a key piece of the innovative services we offer to elevate your business.





Responsive Web Design




VAPI Voice Agent System

Retell Voice Agent System